CWS Technology

Top Differences Web Development and Mobile App Development


When looking at web app development vs mobile app development, it is important to recognize their differences. Although they may seem similar, web apps and mobile apps serve different purposes and require specific skills. This article highlights the differences between web and top app development with real-world examples.

What is App Development?

App development refers to the creation of mobile applications using programming languages specific to mobile devices, like Kotlin for Android or Swift for iOS. The world of app development can be broken down into a few main categories:


Types of App Development:

What is Web Development?

On the other hand, hire developer for web development who focuses on creating websites or web applications using programming languages like PHP and Python. Websites run on browsers, making web development a more versatile field in terms of platform compatibility.

By understanding these key distinctions, you can make more informed decisions when looking to hire web application developer resources for your business needs.


Types of Web Development:

  • Front-end web development: This deals with the visual part of a website—the user interface (UI).
  • Back-end web development: This manages the server, database, and application logic.

Role of an App Developer vs. a Web Developer

The Role of an App Developer:

An app developer’s role is to build mobile apps that offer a smooth user interface (UI) and an excellent user experience (UX). They might specialize in Android, iOS, or use cross-platform tools like Flutter or React Native. If you’re looking to hire app developer talent, this is the role that can build interactive tools and features that users directly engage with.

The Role of a Web Developer:

A web developer, however, is responsible for creating functional, responsive, and user-friendly websites. This includes both front-end work, where frameworks like Laravel, Angular, and RoR are used, and back-end work that involves database management and server logic.

Required Compilers

For App Development:

To develop a mobile app, you’ll need to work with compilers like Android Studio, Xcode, and Visual Studio Code. These tools are necessary before you can deploy your app.

For Web Development:

In contrast, when you hire web developer they use compilers like Atom, Eclipse, and Sublime Text 3. However, web development doesn’t require compilation before deployment.

Technology Stacks

For App Development:

  • Android: Kotlin, Java
  • iOS: Swift, Objective-C
  • Hybrid: Flutter, React Native
  • Back-end: Node.js, PHP, Ruby on Rails (RoR), MySQL

For Web Development:

  • Front-end: React, Vue, HTML, JavaScript, Angular
  • Back-end: Node, PHP, Java, Express


App Development:

Mobile development is often limited to specific platforms. For instance, an app developed for Android won’t work on iOS unless you’re using cross-platform tools like Flutter or React Native.

Web Development:

In contrast, web application development is much more versatile. For example, a developer familiar with C language can apply it to both web development and game development.

Salary Comparison

Mobile App Developers:

According to, the average salary for a mobile app developer in the US is approximately $93,124 per year.

Web Developers:

For web developers, the average salary in the US is slightly lower, coming in at around $67,996 per year. Many companies today are turning to hiring top web developers from India for their Web Application Design and Development projects.

Latest Trends in App and Web Development

Trends in App Development:

  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Wearable Devices Integration
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Chatbots

Trends in Web Development:

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
  • Responsive Design
  • API Development
  • Voice Search Optimization
  • Motion UI

Learning Curve

App Development:

Is app development hard? Yes, it’s more challenging because it requires expertise across different platforms like Android and iOS. The tools and technologies are platform-specific, making it necessary for app developers to be proficient in both ecosystems.

Web Development:

Web development, on the other hand, has a gentler learning curve. Starting with basic languages like HTML and CSS, it’s relatively easy to build simple websites. Tools like WordPress even offer templates that make web development accessible for beginners.

The Complexity of Mobile App Development

From a developer’s standpoint, mobile app development is a more complex and time-consuming process compared to building a website. Learning Java for Android or Swift/Objective-C for iOS is only part of the challenge. You also need to understand how the operating systems work under the hood and how they interact with the application layer. This requires significant time and dedication to master.

On the other hand, web development is generally easier to learn and implement. A website can often be developed much faster than an app, allowing businesses to launch their product sooner. This quicker development time also translates to earning earlier, as your product can go live and start generating revenue faster than if you were to focus on app development from the start.

How Are Mobile App Development and Web Development Similar?

When we look at mobile app development and web development, we see that both have some important things in common. Even though they might seem different, there are a lot of similarities that make them quite connected.

Learning Coding and Frameworks

Both mobile app development and web development require learning how to code. Developers need to be skilled in different programming languages, but the process of learning to code is essential for both fields. Whether you are building a mobile app or designing a website, understanding coding languages and frameworks is a must. This knowledge allows developers to create applications that function smoothly, whether on a phone or a browser.

Meeting the Client’s Needs

A big part of mobile app development and web development is being able to understand and meet the client’s needs. In both fields, developers work closely with clients to ensure that the final product aligns with what the client wants. This includes everything from the overall design to the specific features of the app or website. Developers need to be good at communicating and adapting their work to meet these requirements, ensuring satisfaction at the end of the project.

Platforms and Devices

Although mobile apps are mainly designed to work on smartphones and tablets, and web applications are for websites, there is a lot of crossover between the two. In fact, many web applications today are built with mobile users in mind, making them work well on mobile devices. So while they might be intended for different platforms, both types of development need to think about mobile and web compatibility.


In wrapping up, it’s clear that mobile app development and web development, while different, share some important common ground. If you’re considering a project, remember that both types of development require coding skills and a strong focus on meeting user needs.

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